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Positive Based Interventions and Support

Sudlow Intermediate Behavioral Expectations

What is PBIS?

Positive Based Interventions and Support provides a framework to help students improve academic and behavioral outcomes. It is a school-wide system with processes intended to teach behavioral expectations the same way as core curriculum subjects.

Sudlow Intermediate has a PBIS Core Team consisting of members representing administration, faculty, staff, including Mississippi Bend AEA PBIS Coach. The Core team meets on a regular basis and has the responsibility of implementing and monitoring the school-wide PBIS plan. The PBIS team meets to review the discipline data, track progress, identify areas to target for intervention across the entire building, communicate intervention data and findings, and plan for interventions(s).

The PBIS behavioral expectations and routines are taught in the classroom using specific lessons for the behavioral expectation to be taught with R.O.a.R.

How Does it Work?

Positive Based Interventions and Supports works with interventions at three levels:

Tier 1 (80-90% of Students): Core Classroom Instruction and Supports: Develop System to teach school-wide expectations; Recognize, acknowledge or reward appropriate behavior through school-wide assemblies, classroom recognitions, or individual acknowledgements; Develop consistent school-wide behavior management system; Analyze behavioral data to identify trends and develop school-wide interventions.

Tier 2 (5-15% of Students): Targeted and Supplemental Supports: Develop behavior resource team to analyze behavioral data to identify students in need of supplemental supports; Develop, provide and monitor progress of group interventions for at-risk students.

Tier 3 (1-7% of Students): Individual and Intensive Supports: Use of Functional Behavioral Analysis and Behavior Analysis and Behavior Intervention Planning; Develop individualized positive behavior supports for students with intensive needs; Utilize wraparound services for students and families.

Positive Based Interventions and Support